Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Breaking Out on My Own

I am out on my own now... private consultant.

I decided to breakout and do some things on my own; but I stand by GTS and their ability to help the market grow and succeed.

I am always available to answer people's questions. You can contact me at

However, I emplore you to contact my two favorite people at GTS at or They are very smart and will help you however you need.

I bid you all farewell. This blog will likely continue on; but possibly with another writer.

Scott Orth

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Influencing People to Buy

You have an ad in the phone book. Okay, but can your customers easily find you online? Do you run television ads? Do you do anything else in your community to convince people to buy from you?

Keep in mind, having a logo or a brand simply tells people who you are. It does not influence them or convince them to buy from you.

According to a recent survey, 39% of people said that what they find on the Internet influences them to buy from a certain source, or company. A far second was television at 12%, followed by radio and newspaper with 3% and 2% respectively. So what does this mean?

The phone book is where people go to find your phone number. It’s not often the place that convinces a customer that you are the better choice over your competitor.

The higher percentage on the Internet really makes sense if you think about it. First a customer finds your marketing message on a search engine. This first step often starts the process of brand building, so long as your message resonates with the customer. If they like your message on the search engine, they’ll then click on the ad and enter your website.

Unlike other sources of media, you are not charged a fee for how many pages you have on your site (like print), or how long someone connects with you (TV and radio). Instead, you have an open-ended opportunity to educate the customer about your business, tell them why you’re better than all the rest, make them feel comfortable with you, and give them easy options for how they want to communicate with you (phone, email, contact form, live chat).

But let’s jump back to step one; finding you on search engines. This is all based on the words they type in the search box. So what will they type? Windshield repair, cracked window, auto glass replacement?

To get a better idea of what people are searching, start with a tool like Based on your general search (i.e. “auto glass”) the tool will give you lists of other words and phrases, as well as an average number of times each term is searched on. This will give you a good base to know from where to start your online marketing activity.